Introduce myself in English

Introduce myself in English

YoungYa 36 2024-09-08

Dear professor,


It's my great honor to have the opportunity to attend this interview. My name is Yang Jinghui, from Southwest University of Science and Technology. My undergraduate major is Computer science and Technology.

At present, my GPA in the first six semesters is 3.83, ranking in the top 5% of the grade, and I have abtain the postgraduate qualification. In addition to daily lessons, I also pay attention to participating in some competitions, because I know that only in competitions can I find the gap between myself and others and improve myself greatly. The ranking of comprehensive quality in school has always remained in the top three grades, and has won more than 20 school-level awards, including the honorary title of "Three good Students" of Southwest University of Science and Technology for two years.

In terms of project experience, I joined the school's laboratory in the first year of my undergraduate course and presided over or participated in many projects. The representative ones are as follows: the digital service platform of Sichuan Software Industry Association, which has been officially put into use. Under the leadership of Sichuan Software Association, more than a thousand Internet companies have registered and used the platform. The second project is a big innovation project presided over and declared by me, which is called the cheating detection system based on "deep learning". At present, this project has been identified as a provincial innovation project. The third project is a training platform based on "intelligent question bank". In this project, we deeply studied genetic algorithm and consulted a large number of papers, and realized a topic recommendation system of intelligent question bank. This project produced an unpublished paper. And software copyright.

During the undergraduate course, I think it is to train our coding ability, and during the postgraduate stage, it is to cultivate our problem-solving ability. I submit more than 300 times a year on github. Compared with my peers, my focus is on practical coding innovation. I hope I can enter your school to improve my problem-solving ability. I hope the teacher can give me such an opportunity.

I hope that I can enter your school to improve my ability to solve problems. I hope you can give me an opportunity.

My self-introduction is over!




首先是我的学业情况,目前前六个学期绩点3.83,排名位于年级第11名,目前已经拿到本校的推免资格,并且已经通过英语四级,以及CCF 200分的专业认证。除了日常课内学习的同时,我还注重参加一些学科竞赛。曾参加并获得了计算机能力挑战赛国赛二等奖、算法智星国赛三等奖、蓝桥杯省赛二等奖、计算机设计大赛华迪杯省赛三等奖、全国大学生数字媒体大赛省赛三等奖等多个全国竞赛奖项。在校综合素质排名始终保持在年级前三,并取得校级院级各类奖项共计二十余项,其中连续两年获得了西南科技大学校级三好学生的荣誉称号。


